When you have a new business idea, the number one most important thing to do is to get started.
Of course, having a plan in place, doing background research, laying the foundations are important too. But they don’t count for anything if you spend all your time planning and never taking action.
To get started and not stop until your idea is realised, you need to come at it guns a’blazin’ with a sense of extreme urgency.
But that doesn’t mean running in screaming like a maniac and rushing to get results. There is a very significant difference between approaching a project with a sense of urgency and approaching it in a hurry.
3 differences between Urgency and Hurry
1. Hurry comes from lack, urgency comes from drive.
When you’re in a rush you are operating in a state of panic, not present in the moment. Essentially, you are approaching from a place of lack; that is the mindset that there isn’t enough to go around and unless you hustle, you’re going to miss out.
Urgency, on the other hand, is born out of excitement and enthusiasm, your drive to succeed.
2. Hurrying causes overwhelm, urgency causes focus
If you are in a state of panic, it inevitably leads to feeling overwhelmed, and feeling overwhelmed is a quick path to distraction and procrastination. In a state of urgency, you are operating on a higher energy and are more focused on your goals.
3. Hurrying brings mistakes, urgency brings learning
Another result of feeling rushed and panicked is making mistakes, you are distracted and lacking focus so details slip past your perception. You also do not take the time to make good decisions as your instincts are clouded by panic. Feeling pushed forward by a sense of urgency, doesn’t mean that you won’t make mistakes, mistakes are an important part of progress, but you will be motivated to improve and learn from those mistakes.
Get Started
Make sure that when you get started, you are clear on your goals, clear on your motivation for reaching those goals, and jump in with a sense of urgency.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. But AFTER you get started on your business idea!